making a small aquascape

Benji k

Oct 13, 2022
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so i have this little pickle jar and i was thinking of aqua scaping it for fun any recommendations on the plants to use and its not for fish i might add some shrimp but i don't now yet.
How about some susswassertang wrapped around a smooth rock. It grows slowly so you won’t need to do a lot of work on it. You could add a ramshorn snail and some amphipods.

I have several jars myself, but my susswassertang is in my invertebrate tank. My jars have hornwort, christmas moss, cholla wood, snails and amphipods. A couple have gravel on the bottom but the majority of them have no substrate and I just do floating plants.

Have fun.
How about some susswassertang wrapped around a smooth rock. It grows slowly so you won’t need to do a lot of work on it. You could add a ramshorn snail and some amphipods.

I have several jars myself, but my susswassertang is in my invertebrate tank. My jars have hornwort, christmas moss, cholla wood, snails and amphipods. A couple have gravel on the bottom but the majority of them have no substrate and I just do floating plants.

Have fun.
yeah thanks for reply i was thinking of using gardening soil as my substrate the plants i was thinking of using is money wort java moss and these are all plants from my other tanks and do you think it would work with just those plants and gardening substrate and i mite add hair grass.
but i dont have a light for the jar or filter will it be fine without one and when i fill it up would i fill it up with water from my tank but if it needs lite i have a small fish tank i can put it next to that will shine lite on it
but i dont have a light for the jar or filter will it be fine without one and when i fill it up would i fill it up with water from my tank but if it needs lite i have a small fish tank i can put it next to that will shine lite on it
You should probably do a search on using dirt in an aquarium and visit a “planted tank” forum or website to read about other’s experiences. I personally have never used dirt in a tank, but there are things to be concerned about. If you want to use dirt, go for it. As long as you don’t have other life in the tank the worse that can happen is you lose a plant or need to wash off the muddy water and start over.

I have all of my jars in the window and a couple of them do have some algae growth. I take algae out to drop into one of the jars with amphipods. Of course your plants will appreciate some light. I have one little tub of excess hornwort growing under a grow light next to my lemon trees Indoors now since the freezing temps have arrived.

Experiment and have fun.

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