Major Newbie Here


Fish Addict
Jun 24, 2007
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Smack Dab in the Center of the Good Ol' U.S. of A
Okay, I am a super newbie here, as I haven't set up a marine tank, ever. So, if any of my questions are obviosly stupid, go easy on me.

I want to set up a 30 gallon nano-reef aquarium. I already have an idea for the stocking:

Firefish-Nemateleotris magnifica
Neon Blue Goby-Elacatinus oceanops
Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish-Amphiprion ocellaris var.
Zebra Barred Dartfish-Ptereleotris zebra
Dwarf Blue-Leg Hermit Crab-Clibanarius tricolor
Various Polyps
Various Soft Corals

Any tips?


Take it nice and slow.....Read and gleen as much information as you can (books, mags & forums), converse with the gurus on this and other forums.
Lastly Welcome.
We are all learning, reliable members such people as Skifletch and Steelhealr have helped me tremendously on here in my Nano quest.
Your stock list for the 30g sounds good fish-wise. Next up, consider how deep down the coral rabbit hole you want to go and start designing your hardware around that :). Have a read through the stickies amongst the various marine sections here to get you started on your learning curve. And :hi: to the marine side of aquaria, hopw you enjoy your stay :D
And won't want to leave. So start saving for your next tank. :lol: Saltwater tanks are infectious.

I already shut down two of my freshwater tanks to convert them into saltwater tanks :look:

stop looking at me like that! :shout:
yeah, Dannos absolutly right. I've only got a 12 gallon, and i was gonna sell my 55 fw to buy a 40 or 75 for sw, but my Jack Dempseys had probably 400 babies, WOO HOO I know a store that sells them for 12 bucks apiece, so im gonna go in ther with like 50, and get some in store credit!! And guess why?

To buy more crap for my 12 gallon.
I have a 30gallon. TIP...take it SLOWLY. As that one guy says...Disaster comes quickly or something and beauty comes with patience? I don't know. Also, keep as much money as you can on the side so you have some backup moneys just in case something happens. Saltwater tanks cost A LOT of money. And before adding livestock remember to go through all the basics, like live rock and where you're going to be getting your water source from. It'll be much help if you take a gander at other peoples tank journals and get some ideas and inspiration of what you want you're tank to be.
Mt Spetember brings up an awesome point. You HAVE GOT to be patient. Buy everything at once, and you'll probably lose twice the money you normally would have due to deaths. I set aside about 50% of my earnings, and it does stockpile in case of aquarium emergencies or other things
if you can get an aquacultured specimen and you want that specimen, get it. Chances are you can get an aquacultured black and white ocellarius as well as an aquacultured neon goby. advice is to not focus on corals or fish right now...but..the fundamentals of marine reef keeping. THEN....come up with a plan, equipment list.....THEN.....setup. Go slow and try not to focus too far ahead. SH

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