Major gold fish bladder issue-euthanasia?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2024
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United Kingdom
Guys, I’m really mad at my friend. He’s just dropped a gold fish off with a major case of swim bladder.

He was told to cut the back of his neck or something to euthanise it but doesn’t have the stomach for it and just dropped him to me. I remember when I first saw the fish, it had a curved spine, so I told him it won’t survive long. 3 years later… see below:

It’s still flapping its gills and tail.
I tried to feed it cooked peeled peas but I sense it too late. I just can’t stand seeing it grasping to breathe.

Is there a quick way to euthanise it?


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I've only ever used clove oil I'm afraid. I bought it from Boots. There probably is another way to do it that another member might know of.
I've only ever used clove oil I'm afraid. I bought it from Boots. There probably is another way to do it that another member might know of.

Thank you for the idea but there’s a chance it’ll be gone by the morning. Unfortunately, nothing is open right now.
Not everyone is onboard with my method but I find netting then immediately throwing the fish against a hard surface the quickest way I have used. I use all my strength on the throw ensuring the fish is totally stunned/killed the first time.
Not everyone is onboard with my method but I find netting then immediately throwing the fish against a hard surface the quickest way I have used. I use all my strength on the throw ensuring the fish is totally stunned/killed the first time.
I don’t think I could bring myself to do that. I just imagine it exploding like a grenade and fish juice all over my face or something 🤢
Yeah sorry the only way I euthanize my fish is with clove oil. I can never cut into them or bash them. I can also never (smell) look at Christmas again. It's always smart to have some on hand in case of emergencies.
Put the goldfish in a bucket of tank water and pop the container (with fish in) into the freezer. leave until frozen solid, then bury in the garden outside.

Goldfish are coldwater fish and as the temperature of the water drops they go to sleep. When they are frozen they die.

Do not put the fish into your aquarium because the disease could end up in your tank.
// General ways to euthanize fish

// Issues associated with using Analgesics with fish

Difficult to get access on many articles without a subscription. There has been some research on this subject though not as much as for other types of animals (even I do find this a bit disturbing, studying how to kill animals). I look at this from the fish's perspective, you made the decision to euthanize the fish, from that point on one's concern should be how quickly and effectively I can stop the creature's pain. Whatever method you decide on get all your "tools" prepared before your start so that the process is completed without issues. The first link is the easiest to read and seems overall reasonable, the second deals more with the fish's responses when exposed to various analgesics, suggesting it is not quite as straightforward some people suggest.

Sorry you have to be considering all of this.
Put the goldfish in a bucket of tank water and pop the container (with fish in) into the freezer. leave until frozen solid, then bury in the garden outside.

Goldfish are coldwater fish and as the temperature of the water drops they go to sleep. When they are frozen they die.

Do not put the fish into your aquarium because the disease could end up in your tank.
Sorry, delayed response.

I’d left for my holiday on the 3rd of July. Only just seeing this reply today.

The fish has died the next day. I’d separated him into a quarantine deck pond and he passed away during the night.

I’ll remember this for next time though.

Thank you
I'm sorry for your loss and I'm glad the goldfish is out of its pain.
Not everyone is onboard with my method but I find netting then immediately throwing the fish against a hard surface the quickest way I have used. I use all my strength on the throw ensuring the fish is totally stunned/killed the first time.
Yes, I have done the same thing. The death is instantaneous. That bloated Goldfish would make a mess, though.

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