Major Algae In Dp Tank


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
Broxburn,West Lothian Scotland
Well Finally got my dp's :drool: Swapped my 8 gal for a 15gal and bought 3 still totally unsure on there sex but since i put them in there's been a major algae bloom ! Filter is the same one from the 8 gal and has been running since well before christmas and tank has always been stocked either with fry or cory's

What can i keep with the Dp's that won't get munched or attacked to keep the algae at bay

Anyone help?
Hi kizz, what type of algae bloom? is it the green floating bloom?
If yes you can buy a green away from lfs, i had this problem once with a new tank which was kept next to the window, serious it actually worked
I've no idea what kind of algae it is it's all over everything even the plants and have adiffrent type growing on the glass it sort of wiggles in the current

Is there any form of shrimp i could keep with them or am i better just getting some kind of med's for it .Heading to LFS today so cna pick something up lol

you can get most types of shrimp, and otto catfish, although dont get the shrimp that breed, ie cherrys, that will be a right mess :)
I'd add a couple of otocinclus definately, but make sure you change the tank about a bit when you do so the DPs don't see the otos as intruders in their territory.

Managed to pick up some anamo shrimp.Wellthey were advertised as Yamato shrimp butafterlookingon thenet found theyre the same. Is that info true?

THey've settled in great dp's didn't bother them at all and there's been a major diffrence in the algae too !!! W00p!! :D

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