New Member
Hi all,
the last couple of months the conditions inside my tank have been really bad. I've had all sorts of algae, from hair algae to blue-green algae and despite all measures and actions I've taken to combat it, nothing seems to work. Basically, gravel cleaning in my aquarium is something hard because of the arrangement of the bogwood and plants. I have a huge piece of bogwood as a centerpiece and most plants are planted either on top of it (java fern, anubia) and in front of it in the gravel (valisneria, ceratophylum). I have blue-green algae forming on the surface of the gravel touching the front glass.
I was thinking that it's time to rearrange the inside of the aquarium and do a major clean on the gravel by first returning my fish back to my LFS, empty the water, clean the gravel thoroughly through siphoning and place the bogwood at the back of the tank, thus leaving lots of space in front for my plants. This ofcourse means that I will have to re-cycle the tank but I'd rather make a fresh start than be sorry later when fish start suffocating.
Has anyone been in such a situation where you needed to start from scratch again?
Do you have any advice?
Thanks for all your help.
the last couple of months the conditions inside my tank have been really bad. I've had all sorts of algae, from hair algae to blue-green algae and despite all measures and actions I've taken to combat it, nothing seems to work. Basically, gravel cleaning in my aquarium is something hard because of the arrangement of the bogwood and plants. I have a huge piece of bogwood as a centerpiece and most plants are planted either on top of it (java fern, anubia) and in front of it in the gravel (valisneria, ceratophylum). I have blue-green algae forming on the surface of the gravel touching the front glass.
I was thinking that it's time to rearrange the inside of the aquarium and do a major clean on the gravel by first returning my fish back to my LFS, empty the water, clean the gravel thoroughly through siphoning and place the bogwood at the back of the tank, thus leaving lots of space in front for my plants. This ofcourse means that I will have to re-cycle the tank but I'd rather make a fresh start than be sorry later when fish start suffocating.
Has anyone been in such a situation where you needed to start from scratch again?
Do you have any advice?
Thanks for all your help.