If you are sure its a majanoe then KILL IT WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE!
I cannot understate just how i mportant it is to wipe these little critters out at the very first opportunity. They look cool, pretty and quite safe.. dont underestimate them by any means as they will spread and in huge proportions.
I started out with a small group of about 4 on a piece of rock. I thoght the same as you, leave them and they will be fine, they look quite nice where they are etc etc...
I was wrong... A few months later i suddenly saw hundreds (yes hundreds) of small ones jumping up all over the tank! They were even growing on my turbo snails shells!
I am now waging a huge war with them and quite frankly im losing it
JOes Juice does work but when you have as many as i do then wiping out a dozen or so only means another 20 or 30 are being spawned over night and its really getting to me. They no no real natural predator unlike aiptasia other than the Pomocanthus angels (who are a bit hit and miss to be honest). I have tried vinigar, kalkpaste and these work but you cannot wipe em all out in 1 shot or the tanks ph will suffer... I have tried Joes juice and this works but its very expensive in large quantities.. if you let up for just a few days you are back to square one. I am not trying both methods and i still cant wipe em out fast enough.. My Pomocanthus arrives in a couple of weeks.. I hope this is up to the task.
Take some advise... kill it now