Main Things To Do And Not To Do With A Fish Tank

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
Mobile, Alabama
I bought a 1 gallon aquarium about 2 and a half months ago I had 3 zebra fish in it. After having it for about a week I bought a 10 gallon tank. I have 1 algae eater, 1 cory catfish, 2 Red Fin Minor Tetra (I found out today they should have 5 or 6 members in the school) 2 Black Skirt Tetra, and 2 of the Zebra fish (One passed away)

I have learned alot since I have started with aquariums but I want to know more. About 3 weeks ago all my fish where swimming at the top of the water and I looked it up on the internet and figured out I had to much water in the tank and the filter was not falling from high enough to put oxygen in the tank properly (I also have a bubble maker in there to now)

But the passed couple of weeks my fish have been acting funny. One of the Red Fins was swimming at an angle so I looke it up and figured out he had a bladder infection so I fed him peas as suggested by alot of people and it seemed to work some he is no longer swimming at an angle but still does not seem to be to happy. Both of my Red Fins stay at the bottom and dont eat that much. Also one of my Skirt Tetra's bottom fin has some slits in it and I looked that up so I added a little extra aquarium salt and Start Right (it says on the back it helps hurt fins)

So today I decided to go ahead and completely redo my aquarium (take all the gravel out and clean it with hot water etc.) I did this because I realized after using the aquarium vacuum to do my weekly water changes (I take roughly 10-15% a week out and replace it) that I had been overfeeding my fish because the vacuum sucked up so much uneaten food. I figured the germs on the uneaten food was why my fish were not as happy as they were. I think I made a mistake though right? I took alot of the good bacteria away to right?

I also have two 2.5 gallon tanks I keep one beta in each. I have a boy and a girl but they have been doing fine for the 3 or 4 weeks I have had them.

I just wanted to know what is some stuff I have done right and wrong and if I could get a list of things I can do to make my fish as happy as they can be. (Also if you could tell me a list of common mistakes). I absolutely love fish and am gonna be taking care of fish for the rest of my life I belive. Im gonna get bigger tanks in the future but I want to be experienced first. Thank You for any replies. Sorry I dont have a more straight forward question lol

I was thinking of getting a aquarium heater. Would that be helpful?

I have about 6 fake plants and one real plant (Amazon Sword plant) and a cave in the ten gallon. I have a medium size plant and a cave in each beta tank as well

Also my original one gallon tank is empty now. I wasnt very clear on that
Welcome to the forum! :)

You don't have to have the filter 'falling' into the water. as long as it is rippling the surface that will be sufficient for oxygen transfer.

You should always have an aquarium heater in a tropical tank, even if you live in warmer climates it should be there as an insurance policy so that it kicks in should the temperature fall. Aim for 1w per litre, so if your tank is 50 litres then get a 50w heater.

Cory's need to be in a larger groupd of say 5-6 as they're a sociable fish that like their own company.

Was the tank cycled?

The uneaten food will have started to break down and release ammonia into the water column which is very poisonous to your fish.

And i wouldn't be adding aquarium salt either.
The person at petsmart told me they would be fine alone. I specifically asked that for that reason (I dont like anyone to be alone. But I figured at catfish would be fine by theirself. Its what I get for assuming I guess. I will put 2 more in there. Its all that would be good for the tank right?)

What do you mean by "Was the tank cycled?" Sorry im new to aquariums.

Glad I saved my fish then. Im trying to learn as much as possible. Thanks for the reply btw =)

Whats wrong with aquarium salt? Just for future reference.
Cycled is when the filter has the bacteria to break down the poisons that fish release when they poo...

They release ammonia which is then broken down to nitrite then to nitrate which is a lesser poison and can be kept down by water changes.

Aquarium salt is only used for curing ach and marine tanks.
you should do some reading and research on the nitrogen cycle and how to properly cycle a tank. it's obviously too late for a fishless cycle, so you're going to be doing lots of water changes. thank goodness you have a small tank.

here is an article on aquarium chemistry.. i'm new here, so i don't know/can't find a pinned article on cycling tanks and the nitrogen cycle.

this article gives some good info on the nitrogen cycle. (i actually buy some of my filters from these folks, they really know their stuff).

and if you're using tap water straight out of your faucet you're going to need a dechlorinator. i can't offer an opinion on these, or even give you any names of products because i don't use them (i use RO/DI filtered water and/or aged water for water changes), but i'm sure there are folks on this forum that have good info on those products and can recommend one.
Do a search for fish-in cycle. You will probably need to be doing 50% water changes everyday until your water levels stabilise. Get yourself a liquid test kit and some dechlorinator. Make sure it removes chlorine and chloramine though as both are usually present in tap water and both are poisonous to your fish and the bacteria in the filter.

And the assistant that told you Corydoras are ok by them selves is kind of telling truth i guess, as it won't die from being alone, but it won't be very happy. Adding 2 more will cheer it up, but adding 4 or 5, it will think all of it's christmases has come at once.

Unsure what you mean by Zebra Fish? Zebra Danio's maybe?

Your Tetra's need to be in groups too. I would rehome either the Black Skirt Tetra's or the Red Fin Tetra's and concentrate on a bigger shoal of one. Maybe 6-8.

I would go for

6 Red Fin Minor Tetra's
6 'Zebra Fish'
5 Corydoras

What is your Algae Eater? Some of them grow quite big and can be aggressive so probably won't be suitable for your tank.
I use something to take chlorine out of the water. That is what "Start Right" is for.

I will learn the nitrogen cycle. Thanks for the article

I asked if it would be happy by itself though. I dont want my fish to survive I want them to thrive and be happy. I would rather not buy a fish then it suffer for my ignorance you know?

My algae eater is Plecostomus. I just learned he will grow to big for my tank. I will have him in a new home before he gets to that point. He is about 4 inches right now.
Which Pleco is it mate? There are hundreds if not thousands of them available.

If it is a common or gibbiceps then you will need an aquarium that is about 6-8ft long as they're capable of reaching 20" + :huh:

The Corydoras will be happiest in a group, the bigger the better really.

Does Start Right remove Chloramine too or just Chlorine as most water companies add both nowadays.
Its this algae eater. When I bought him I was a complete noob. I wouldnt have guessed they would sell something that needed a tank that big at WalMart... Im pretty sure his card at WalMart didnt say that to because I know good and well I read it.

It removes both

Im gonna do something about the Cory soon. I will probably just get a couple more for now and more in the not to far future. I dont want to overcrowd this tank
I dont know if that is my exact one (I got it from WalMart but they dont show their fish on their website) It looks identical to him though. Do you think he would be ok in there for 2 or 3 months? I will have him a tank big enough by then
Possibly for 2 months, but it may stun the growth. You will seriously need a 6ft tank though.
Are there any small breeds of algae eater (as in suitable for the 10 gallon tank). I wasnt planning on getting a tank that big this early on though so I may have to do something about him. It will break my heart but I dont want him to suffer. Im very emotionally attached to all my fish as I am sure you are.
They're a few yes, possibly 2 or 3 Pitbull Pleco's as these like to be sociable, but i would suggest leaving a Pleco out of this setup until you get your bigger tank which will open up a new avenue to Pleco's as i am not sure a ~50 litre tank would be big enough for them either, (They only grow to about 3-4") but they need room to swim etc. You will also need sand for your Cory's. If you have access to some of the smaller breeds of Corydoras then go for these and rehome you current lone Cory as you will be able to have the numbers you need.

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