mail order places on the net?


Apr 15, 2004
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Essex, Kirby
I can't find any online mailk order places at the moment that do mineral mud, any one know of somewhere?
cheers, looks like i'll be using coral gardens...or maybe get 1 of our customers that goes there to get it for me :D

how much will i need? for about a 14x15" area.
1 tub should be enough. I would suggest using it with a layer of coral sand on top.
AFAIK mixing sand and MM gives the benefits of a DSB and MM system in one. Not 100% sure of that. Yes, you should light your sump, as the purpose of the MM is to encourage macroalgae growth which in turn scrubs the nitrate from your system.
ok, is the DSB is on top of the MM how will the mineral mud gain from any light in there?

also do I need to use any particular type of light? I have a original tropical tube i could easily use at the moment.
the mud doesn't need any light, it just acts as a fertiliser for the macroalgae and releases other trace elements etc. that may be beneficial to fish and corals.

I'm not sure about the science behind adding coral sand (Navarre recommended it I think so he may have a better answer), but I have a couple of centimetres on top of the MM (although it is getting quite mixed now thanks to my sandsifter).

as for lighting, just about anything will do, but a marine tube might give better growth of macroalgae?
it is advisable to have the lights on 24h a day.
this prevents the algae from going sexual, as well as providing stable conditions.

Macroalgae species is a matter of personal preference as well as what grows best in your tank. Some caulerpa is more prone to crashing - although 24/7 lighting should prevent this. I recommend putting a few species in, and seeing which do best.
LFS or Ebay - probably quite expensive

Someone on the forums with a refugium may be able to help you out - I don't really have any spare at the moment but someone else probably does - ideally someone near you for less hassle.
ok cheers, how do you introduce algaes into the sump?, on top fo the DSB or directly ontop of the MM with the DSB on top of the algae :S
just anchor it into the substrate so the roots can get hold and it doesn't get blown away.
you don't need to get the roots into the MM, as they absorb nutrients from the water through the whole plant.
in fact, some new systems just have a load of algae tumbling around in current.

algae can be shocked just like any fish or coral, so follow your usual acclimation process.

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