Anyone have one? If so would you care to share any pics you may have? Thinking of getting one, really like the looks of them. Also any info would be very much appreciated.
I've had one L047 before. I traveled an hour and thirty minutes for my roughly 3.5" L047, purchased at Riviera Reef in Bullhead, AZ (2006). Before L047...I dealt with the Spotted Medusa-L255, and Vampire-L007. I bought all my exotic pleco's from this LPS. I first kept the Mango in my smaller Eclipse aquarium. Soon after, I transferred the Mango, and the Parambassis pulcinella to my 47 gallon Bow Front. The lighting was a simple 24" Nova Extreme T5 10K, four large driftwood clumps, large natural stone substrate with scattered clay caves, heavy flow with one Rio Seio Super Flow M820 (Surface current), and enough filtration from my Fluval 404. I've had the Mango over one year until I converted the 47 gallon into a reef. I traded my 4.5" Mango back to Eddie (Store owner) for live sand, and Tonga live rock I did not have an available aquarium...due to my aggressive Batrachus trispinosus within the Eclipse, and my 85 gallon had an agressive Synodontis angelicus along with harassing F1 Sciaenochromis Fryeri. I regret the trade, L047 became my favorite pleco!
Accurate Information: