

Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2007
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hey there,

i bought a magnesium test kit from Red-Sea, it tests from 1300 ppm down to 840.. mine is higher than 1300 but the test doesnt test more than that,is high levels of magnesium bad or good ? i also bought tropic marine magnesium

but dont want to use it if my magnesium is already higher than 1300ppm i do water changes 15% every 2nd day to get my nitrates lower than 20ppm is that maybe why i have high magnsium in the water? will it come down when i finnaly go over to once a week water changes ? all corals are growing and opening fully my anemone is as healthy as can be...
higher magnesium is rarely a problem in saltwater tanks. Just leave it till it comes down under 1300ppm through natural processes and then start dosing again :). I'd get a second oppinion from an LFS if possible on your mag levels just to make you feel better.
ill test the ro water that im using,maybe that is already highish and then after adding tropic marine seasalt its higher..

thanks ski
You can normally test for higher concentrates of magnesium, Well you can on mine you just measure 4ml instead of 5 ml and times the chart readings by .25ppm to read higher than kit ?

Anyway I'm sure thats a mistake as you idealy want around 1380ppm mag right?

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