Magnesium ..... Dangerous?


Jan 25, 2009
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can i reduce the algae in my tank by increasing the magnesium levels very high.,... and is this a dangerous for the fish or corals.


can i reduce the algae in my tank by increasing the magnesium levels very high.,... and is this a dangerous for the fish or corals.


i would get some seeweed.. maybe something like cheato to help reduce the phosphate levels and u can throw in ur sump cause that cheato stuff really isnt that elegant lol.
I wouldn't. Just get some phosphate and nitrate remover and do a lot of water changes. it might take awhile but the problem will go away.
cool will do water changes n phosphate and nitrate remover.. to be honest i quite liked the look of it and now it started getting out of hand..
what are good hair algae eaters/
cool will do water changes n phosphate and nitrate remover.. to be honest i quite liked the look of it and now it started getting out of hand..
what are good hair algae eaters/

bicolor blennys work well but probably isnt the best cause there are alot of good hair algae eaters haha, and this is just my thought but why do u want to add chemicals into your tank when u can easily add some natural algae into the sump?

lookout for phosphates and nitrates in your tap water. depending on where you live it could be bad or worse. unless u have an RO unit.
Actually some local club members of mine have successfully used high magnesium levels to kill off hair algae. At somewhere between the 1500-1600+ppm range the hair algae turns white and dies. It still needs to be manually removed so you don't have white strands everywhere but once you get it that high, it seems to work. None of the folks I know who have tried it have had any troubles with their fish or corals and many have some pretty sensitive hard corals. I've never tried it personally but it does seem to work.

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