Magnesium And Calcium And Other Tests


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2007
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hey all,

i was thinking to get a calcium reactor or kalkwasser but i kept regular checkings on my calcium and magnesium using red sea test kits and they seem stable everytime

Calcium 400

Magnesium 1300

Phosphate 0.1

Nitrate 10

Salanity 1027 bringing that down now

nitrite 0

ammonia 0

Hardness 8
What tank do you have running, FO, FOWLR or reef? Dependant on what one you have will drive the answer....
That's about as close to natural seawater as you can get when it comes to calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium. whatever you're doing is working so far. And, as the old addage goes, if it aint broke, don't fix it :)
thanks, i can see at my corals thats something good must be happening,they blooming like crazy and my mushrooms are like rabbits they spred new ones all over the tank, gona have a mushroom factorry here,
There is ONE thing that you can fix.....the TERMS. 1.027 is NOT your's your SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Salinity is a percentage. Your Salinity is probably around 35-36%. SH

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