Made a dumb move...


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Maine, USA
I've been off the forums for about a month. This is probably becuase I just got a new video game that has pretty much consumed my soul. In all of my spare time, I have only been playing this game, ignoring my fish.(Of course I did feed them) :crazy: This sounds bad and I deserve to be shunned but, now, here I am. I also recieved a new computer system in my bedroom, where my game is installed, so, most of my time is spent here. I have recently set up a 55g tank in another room in my home, stocked with my Ropefish, 3 Clown Loaches, and a Green Serverum. Now, I added this large peice of Driftwood to the tank that REALLY added lots of tannins to my old tank that was re-done. I made a horrible move by putting this chunk of wood in my new 55g. This was fine at first but, now, you cant see 5 inches into the tank! If I didn't have enough problems, I come to find that I cannot find any of my 3 Clown Loaches. I dont think they are dead because there are no open spots on the tank and they were about 3-4 inches, so my Ropefish couldnt have eaten them.

So, my main question is: is there ANY way to get rid of these tannins? The place I bought it from told me that it has been pre-washed and such so there were no tannins, but apparently there are. Thanks. :/
aww sweet dude im totally addicted to that game, haha i dont let it get the best of me thogh :D pm me we can meet up.
water change and bring back the drift wood to the store and ask them what's in the water since they wold you the tanins were released...
you could try adding carbon to your filter media, although I doubt that will help... just w.c it out...

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