made a big mistake


New Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Hi, I think I've made a big mistake,I have a 10gallon tank with 6 guppies,4 fry, an apple snail and 3 ghost shrimp. I started having fish die last week and I changed too much water and it has been cloudy since. I wait a few days and do a water change and it will not clear up. Also there was greenish slime and black slime in the filter. 2 female guppies are laying on the bottom, 1 appears to have turned blacker??? lost a fish last week and it's back was humped,skinny. what the heck's going on here??? can someone give me any suggestions?? HELP
Can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Mycobacterium species (Tuberculosis)

A. Gram positive, acid fast rods (M. marinum, M. chelonei and M. fortuitum are the most common Mycobacterium species involved.)

B. All species of fish are affected. This disease affects both saltwater and freshwater aquariums.

C. Clinical signs of tuberculosis are quite variable. The most common signs are anorexia, emaciation, vertebral deformities, exophthalmus, and loss of normal coloration. Numerous variably sized granulomas are often observed in various organs throughout the body. Often numerous acid-fast bacteria are observed in the granulomas.

D. The aquatic environment is believed to be the source of initial infection with fish becoming infected by ingestion of bacterial contaminated feed or debris. Once an aquarium is infected with this disease, it is difficult to remove except by depopulation of the aquarium and disinfecting the tank. Remember this is a zoonotic disease (atypical mycobacteriosis).

E. Atypical mycobacteriosis may manifest itself as a single cutaneous nodule on the hand or finger or may produce a regional granulomatous lymphadenitis of the lymphatics near the original nodule. Occasional local osteomyelitis and arthritis may also occur.

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