Mad Cat!


Official Forum Weirdo Detective
Jul 14, 2007
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My cat is long haired blue and very pretty and has personality. She's 6 this year. But she is mental.

She goes out the front, runs round the back and meows to come back in.

She scratches at an internal door to go into another room, she goes in and goes mad to come back out again. She does spend more than a few seconds anywhere specific. My mum works at the vets, she says it's normal. I say I don't want the cat anymore - I have enough trouble with the kids changing their minds and demanding off me 5 times a minute.

Is anyone else's cat like that?

Here it is, the mardy #### mentalist:

I find the word spazzy very offensive

I hope that you never have a child with mental health problems

note to mods, time and time agian, I have pointed out that the word spazz/spazzy
is offensive and yet it still hasn't been added to the swear filter
please do something about this issue
the wolf!
i dont think she ment it that way!

what a beautifull cat!
Spazzy means mental health issues in children?!
New one on me, sorry!!
Lol, cats can be really awkward sometimes.She looks lovely though.
Don't see what your problem is wolf since spazzy is slang, and is used loosley by a lot of people, no need to say stuff like that...
I feel your pain Mel, one of my cats likes to beat on my closet door at night (I live in an apartment so its a metal door). He doesn't want in the closet, he just wants me to get up and pay attention to him. If I call him on the bed, he'll sit there for a few minutes after I turn the light back off, but then he gets down and starts banging on the closet again. I now sleep with a water bottle. :fun: :sly:
As far as I know, spaz was always an offensive contraction for spastic when I was in school, and it's really not an appropriate word anymore (neither it or it's full version) though I doubt the original user meant to cause any offense.

Now they can see it has, perhaps it should be deleted from the post? I'm sure no one meant to upset anyone with a post about a cat.

Regarding the cat, I think pets are like relationships, if you meet one and you like them and you start living together but it doesn't work out, why keep it up? you're better off without each other and someone out there will love them the way they deserve to be loved. That's why we have divorce in law, sometimes something looks like a good idea but turns out not to be. People sometimes have a hard time accepting it for a pet, you feel like you have a commitment forever, but if neither of you are happy, why carry on? Good luck finding her a new family where she will be a good fit. Find another cat that fits in better with your life.
As far as I know, spaz was always an offensive contraction for spastic when I was in school, and it's really not an appropriate word anymore (neither it or it's full version) though I doubt the original user meant to cause any offense.

Now they can see it has, perhaps it should be deleted from the post? I'm sure no one meant to upset anyone with a post about a cat.

Regarding the cat, I think pets are like relationships, if you meet one and you like them and you start living together but it doesn't work out, why keep it up? you're better off without each other and someone out there will love them the way they deserve to be loved. That's why we have divorce in law, sometimes something looks like a good idea but turns out not to be. People sometimes have a hard time accepting it for a pet, you feel like you have a commitment forever, but if neither of you are happy, why carry on? Good luck finding her a new family where she will be a good fit. Find another cat that fits in better with your life.

I love her loads and she's amazing, I just wish I knew what she wanted!!
Do you always keep all your doors closed? I leave my doors into rooms open and my cat frequently goes in and checks things out and comes out again. (So does the dog, although less frequently)(my hubby also says our house is haunted and I beginning to believe him).
I think they might be checking over their territory?! I know my cat would be begging me if I closed all the doors to the rooms. And she would get even more upset if I closed her in a room. If you have a dog or something that you don't want into certain rooms, try baby gates. When we go on vacation and can't take foxy(dog) we baby gate certain areas and my kitty can still jump over and go where she pleases.

Just a thought ????

Oh I think people need to lighten up about the word spazz. :rolleyes: If reading one harmless word on a forum used to describe a crazy kitty "ruffles your feathers", how do you deal with daily life?
spaz or spazz
n. pl. spazz·es
One who is considered clumsy or inept.
intr.v. spazzed, spazz·ing, spazz·es
To be clumsy or inept. (a synonym for inept is awkward)
[Short for spastic and spasm.]

My dog spazzes when people come over to our house and pees all over the carpet:)sick:) and my cat spazzes when the dog or my kids chase her!

I do love them both dearly and couldn't imagine life without them!
I find the word spazzy very offensive

I hope that you never have a child with mental health problems

note to mods, time and time agian, I have pointed out that the word spazz/spazzy
is offensive and yet it still hasn't been added to the swear filter
please do something about this issue

You didn't even comment on her issue....just tore her down :( !!! I'm a new member, but I didn't think this forum was for that. It's NOT a swear word that you'd get in trouble for if you used it in certain places ie. school, courtroom, grandma or grandpa's house.
my mams cats used to do the same just leave the doors open and give them free run
as for my dog he gets a free run of the house and he lets us know when he wants out
in the summer we leave the back door open and he lays in the yard on a piece of cardboard
funny put a blanket down and he wont lie on it
Your cat is very sweet looking! I too have a cat that is like that.. he follows me around the house meowing constantly at times and I have no idea what the heck he wants. I give him food, toys but he wont stop. It does drive me a little mad at times but I love him dearly sooooo.. just a note: there are plenty of hurtful words out there. When I was young I was over weight and anti social so kids called me 'fat' & 'retarded'. Does that mean that these words should be banned because I found them offensive & painful? The real issue is the issue the person themselves have with these words. It wasn't meant to be hurtful.. live and let live.
You didn't even comment on her issue....just tore her down :( !!! I'm a new member, but I didn't think this forum was for that. It's NOT a swear word that you'd get in trouble for if you used it in certain places ie. school, courtroom, grandma or grandpa's house.

Welcome to TFF! :lol:

It's best to just lurk :shifty:

HIII MEL [/endstalk]
Awww mad little pusstats everywhere it seems

Trouble is, I have to close this one door off because of the kids, it's not a room they should be able to get at, it's called daddy's office!! But I can't leave the street door open and she's in and out in and out all day, we can't have a catflap because of said small kids either... guess I just gots to put up with it huh

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