

Jun 5, 2004
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
Iv been studieing Betta Macrotoma for a while and id really like to keep some and breed them at some point, i was wondering is anyone here on the forum keeps them. Hungry for more information. :D
Well, I guess first thing is, they're MacroStoma :) and they are very expensive to get ahold of, you can check aquabid, and from what I know they can be tempermental to their water conditions, but if you get some that are tank raised apposed to wild caught you may be better off :) They're bigger fish too so you may need a bit of a bigger tank to house them in :)
Well, I guess first thing is, they're MacroStoma

I actually went to aquabid last night to remember how to spell it, they had Macrotoma :D
Lol, I saw that auction yesterday, it's a typo. I figured that's where you got it :p

I hear male macrostoma like to hold onto the eggs/fry too long and you often have to strip them of the fry... sounds like a pain in the butt to me, but they are nice fish.

EDIT: For the record, "macro" means large and "stoma" means mouth, so the name makes sense now huh? :)

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