Macro Algae In Display Tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 1, 2008
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I have an emperor angelfish (about 4.5 inches), but I don't have any algae in the tank (well, a little bit of some brown algae, and a little speckle of coralline algae developing). I know the angelfish likes to munch on algae, so I am thinking of buying some macro algae to put into the display.

Can anyone recommend an algae that looks good that the angel would eat (and that's also available for sale)?
I am not an expert but Caulerpa prolifera is an easy one to grow and prolific hense the name. Not sure if angelfish will eat it.
I had Caulerpa in my display tank for several months and it was fine. I use a photoperiod of 10-12 hours and the caulerpa grew like wild fire. It has only disappeared since my urchin was introduced (it was introduced for that reason to get ridden of the macros well actually to control growth but it ate it all). I did look into the angelfish as a possible option to control the grow but if I remember right angelfish actually prefers hair algae (that fine wispy stuff on the rocks). You could always get a little bit and put it in a feeding clip and see if the angel tucks in. Come to think of it that dried seaweed is for herbivorous fish, essentially what caulerpa is.

Hope this helps

People use Caulerpa for their Seahorse's to hitch on to in their display tanks....i do and i keep my lights on for 10 hours a day and it grows well under t5's :)

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