Ma Pleco 4-6inch


Fish Crazy
Nov 16, 2008
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my pleco died today miss him so much
:byebye: :rip: mate
i thought ill share my sadness and lost with you
and please dont start but he died after i came back from
school.And probably was cold water because in leeds it heavily snowing and is very below freezing he was spinning around and was upside down and had to put him in my community tank[12g]
my sister said it probably survive but i knew it was time for him to pass away came back no breeding he was lying on the bottom dead.could have probably saved him but had to go school.
:rip: mate take care with the other fish's[mates that passed away]
take care of the 2 black fin shark[sparky and sapper] and the red dwarf gourami[bubble] and all those platys and 1 black molly.
its life in it people everyone's fish's atleast once in they life time have a fish who dies or disaster or disease
please reply some people or but any off your fish that die today or this week
just curious ...u said it was probably cold ??? y wasnt there a heater in its tank???
the was but think that the coldness took over the room was freezing thats why the water went cold
how long had you had it. was he well fed?

my tanks are in my garage which is freezing but my tanks are a lovely constant temp no matter the weather

how are the other fish in the tank?

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