M8's girlfriend's fish horrer

Right my mate's girlfriend wants goldfish (yawn) and he says she has a tank that is less than 3 gl n

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Yes, it's cruel. Goldfish are extremely messy fish, they need excellent filtration and lots of water per fish to dilute their copious waste products, not to mention that they have very long lifespans and get way too big for such a tiny tank even if they were the cleanest fish in the world. A 3 gallon tank is a great home for a betta, but that's about it.
Goldfish are great fish so less of the 'yawning'!!

However, they need more care than what people think and need to be in a 20gall and then an additional 10 for each extra fish.

I would not keep commons, shubunkins or comets in a tank environment at all.

I would encourage her to keep a betta.
In a little bowl or tank a goldfish often dies within two years. adequately cared for they can live for 20 years. that means it's only lived 1/10 of what it should, that's like a human with a predicted lifespan of 75 dying aged 7!
i think your mates girl frend sounds realy cruel and i bet she has a right old nag at your frend for no reson at all. i dont think she should keep any thing in a tank that small. its no even 2g let alone 3g. i think she should pay mor atenshion to me mmm i mean your friend than putting a nuther little anamule throu hell :no:
P.S you should tell your friend to find a nice girl like you sister :)
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes and yes and yes some more how cruel is that
it's only potentially cruel though seeing as she hasn't actually done it yet. there's still time to change her mind!
clutterydrawer said:
it's only potentially cruel though seeing as she hasn't actually done it yet. there's still time to change her mind!
That's true. You could casually suggest to her that a betta would be a much prettier addition to the tank than a goldfish would.
the tank she has only holds 3L so i dont even think a betta will fit
Cruel indeed... :X

My one friend has a 10 gallon & she almost bought a koi for in it, then she wanted to get a huge cichlid to go w/ her fantail goldfish, hehe. I should link her to this forum ;)

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