m walmart has become a horror


Feb 8, 2004
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New York
well i havent been to my walmart in awhile but when i was there last the fish were in good shape and looked taken care of. Well i went there today and now i understand why everyone is against the walmart fish department. The first thing i notice was dead fish all over. then i saw that they have dyed fish! this is the first time ive actually seen dyed fish and it was horrible. then i saw a sign for bettas and looked around for some cups and couldnt find any. well then i realize that in each fish tank are 2 male bettas! only 3 were actually contained in those little hang on the side containers. the ones together were flaring at each other and chasing each other around. and the ones in the littl containers could easily swim out ofthe tops or swim in if they wanted. it was horrible so i found the fish guy and he claimed it was ok and that they can be together...the stupidy of some people. all i know is that i will never buy anything fish related from there, and now i can understand why everyone hates walmart so much.
I was in the fish department at WalMart only once, and it was during feeding time. The girl doing the feeding put in about 2 weeks worth of flakes in each tank. She just kept dumping and dumping the stuff in. Yikes! :huh:

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