M.Johanni have spawned already!!!


New Member
May 19, 2004
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No real reason for this. Just reall yhappy bout it. Only been in the tank a week and they've already spawned. Must like my home for em. Anyways i'm gonna leave her in there and let nature take its course. To hard to net her anyway with all the rockwork in the tank. And theres no chance im taking all that out. Really didnt expect it this quickly tank only finished cycling three weeks ago. :D :D :D
Cheers mate. As soon as i can get my hands on a camera ill take some. The pit the male dug in one of the caves is huge!!!
Tank is a four foot 60 gallon aquarium. loads of lava rock inside stacked right up the back of the aquarium.

Fellow inhabitants are: 4 yellow labs
3 rustys
1 m 2 f p.Saulosi

Funnily enough they spawned the day after i added an actinic bulb and some new lava rock.

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