M.I.A EEL....


Fish Crazy
Jul 27, 2003
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So I have(had) a peacock eel....He has been missing for about a week now. Well last night I took everthing out of my 55 gal and started to root around in the substrate.... well all this to no avail he is not in the tank (I fear) I posted a few days after I got him that he wasnt eating so if he died do you thing that a bichir, 4 yo-yo loaches, 4 angels and a common plec. would have eaten him??? This is so wierd.....I dunno I feel really bad that I cant find him....(BTW this was the second time i searched the tank.)
the bichir is capable of eating anything ike an ell up to half its own size. the eels are great escape artists so I would check he has not made a bid for freedom and go walkabouts. I lost a bichir once and found him in the next room. is there a tight fitting cover on the tank?
unfortunately no there is not a tight lid....but i havent seen him around but ill check more....I really hope that didnt happen.
ehhh.... I wouldnt be too surprised if you found a dried-up corpse lying on the floor nearby :sick:

I had 4 plecos that jumped on me like that. Drove me nuts.
You might also check the filter. I had an eel that liked to swim up into the filter. After that he jumped out a hole about half the size of his body. I didn't find him till a week later under the stand :/
Well I got some good news and some bad news....I found my eel! (now the bad) He was behind the tank and was mummified....bummer I really liked him too...But now I know that if I want another I have to secure my tank so they cant get out

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