Luv my betta


New Member
May 31, 2003
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Hey fellow Betta lovers!
Just thought I'd pop in and check out the 'bowl'.
I have to say, I haven't had too many fish in my 3 year span of fishkeeping, but my first fish ever was a blue male betta, and his breed has won me over for life, I think.
How many here actually name theirs?
My blue betta I dubbed 'Shredder' when I first got him. He was really quite messed up, horrible looking fins, and disinterested in food. I was afraid he was going to die.
But then his appetite perked up,he ate his betta bites, and his fins filled out wonderfully,much to my excitment.
His name, however, stuck 'til his demise 2 years afterward (my own stupid fault..I forgot to add the Start Right. ARGH!)
Now I have another one, and if I could give him hugs, I would. They're so CUTE!!
He's red, blue and silver. His size isn't extremely spectacular, nor are his fins, though they are nice and thick looking.
He's just 'Fishie' or 'fish fish' ( I know, I'm so bland).
And whenever I talk to him, I must use my 'tough guy' voice, 'cause that's how he looks.
Anyone else suffer from these symptoms?!
i have had my betta since november and i named him frownyface but he is truly the most best acting fish that I have he hears me comming and he will start showing out swimming to the bottom of the tank it is like he is shaking his booty on the way to the bottom try giving yours some fruit flies they love them I buy apples and oranges just so I can get a few.
I have 3 males, one in a community tank,"Fishy" ,I've had him almost a year now and he's a dollface but a terror to all the other fish,another one in a little hex tank alone "Little Dude", he's a vivid red beauty but has a really really bad attitude,all he wants to do is fight with his reflection and since he's in a hex,he attempts to take on all "6 bettas" at once :lol: ... :rolleyes: and I bought another about 2 weeks ago who I absolutely fell in love with, I found him at a large chain pet store and all the bettas were in dirty water which killed me to see and he gave me this look like "your not gonna leave me here like this are you?" , so I bought him and brought him home, all I had for him to live in was a goldfish type bowl at the time being but he is worthy of his own little tank, he's such an angel and constantly tryng to get my attention, his body is red with clear/white fins that have black streaks down them and he's just beautiful ,his name is Candy Cane Boy (after the White Stripes song...candy cane boy,doncha know your name boy,your alone in the middle of a million...) it fits him perfectly, I'm buying him a tank tomorrow, I just wanted to be sure that he was a survivor before I dished out the money for another little hex, but he clearly is and he eats like a king

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: @ all of them

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