Lung Fish!


New Member
Jan 12, 2005
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Its all in the title really! Im in Germany, only seen Lungfish in wildlife programs and then.......I see one in my local fish shop :eek: I mean those things get BIG and live out of water in the dry seasons......Weird :blink:
Anyone else seen some weird fish for sale?
mwm said:
Weird I didnt know they lived out of water
They don't, as such 'live out of water'.

What they do is form a coccoon of mud & mucous in which they hibernate when the water dries up during the dry season, then they emerge once the water returns.
Hi All

I would have loved to bring the scorpion fish I saw caught on one of my sea fishing trips home - also the common octopus I caught when fishing from Llandudno pier (Wales) but having no marine tanks put the octopus back - a brilliant experience though - as I`ve only ever seen them intanks in marine aquaria to actually handle one was fantastic.

SirMinion said:
mwm said:
Weird I didnt know they lived out of water
They don't, as such 'live out of water'.

What they do is form a coccoon of mud & mucous in which they hibernate when the water dries up during the dry season, then they emerge once the water returns.
wow creepy but cool!
I've saw them forsale a couple times around here, pretty good size ones too.
Yeah they are quite Creepy.Imagine walking into a room and theirs fish cocoon on the floor. :crazy:
Wow! I'd get one! If I could, obviously. How would you go about keeping them? I mean, do you take out the water at any point in the year?
No, you don't. You just keep them as you would bichirs or spiny eels, or even loaches. If you have the tank space, I would pick it up, as I've heard that they're quite hard to get a hold of in Germany. Sir is, for the most part, correct, though different species have different methods of this process called estivation. One species burrows and coccoons itself, while most of the others just wait in moist mud, and one species can't estivate at all. What species was it, and what is the general part of Germany that this shop was in? I know of someone that I think would be very interested in this if you aren't. :D

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