Lumpy face?


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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Ok, earlier in the week I picked up a betta who had some fungus on the face and back, seemed curable so I figured I'd give it a shot. He's been on an anti-fungal for 3 days or so and the fungus has cleared up, but I'm noticing something odd: on his head, where the fungus was, the flesh is lumpy; it looks like a bunch of bubbles beneath the skin on the head (but they are not translucent or anything). Any idea on what this could be, if it should be treated (how?), and if I should be worried? I didn't see anything on the fish disease chart I have, so I don't know if this is a deformity, or inflamation from the fungus, or what. His whole face seems a little "chubby" compared to most of my bettas, though his body looks sleek and healthy and the scales are not protruding so I'd be shocked if it was dropsy or something that serious. I should note that in addition, he is fairly active but not eating well (only a tiny bit).
My betta had a similar problem, but it just cleared up after a bit; I was treating him for mouth rot/fungus at the time. Keep a close eye on him though, when the fungus around his mouth disappeared, it turned out it had eated the top part of his mouth and he's got a bg hole there. Not saying that'll happen to yours, but the symptoms sounds the same... Good luck with him!

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