Lumps On A Dojo Loach


Sinclair Aquatic Systems
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom, Scarborough
ok well im trying to breed dojo/weather loaches. i have a 7 inche female, a small female and 2 small males. one of the small males have been "mating" (or whatever) with the large female and producing eggs. i havent been fast enough to collect the eggs before they get consumed by the other fish.

anywhoo, sticking to the topic, one of my males, the green one, has lumps on it. i noticed this the other day and thought it was a small injury n thought it would get better but its hasn't. its gotten worse.
there is like a long lump down the whole of its body which is seperated in the middle, basically 2 smaller long lumps. there are also a few lumps near the tail.

this has happened before with another weather loach a few years ago and it exploded!! :crazy: well not quite but the lump got bigger and bigger until air bubble came out of it and the fish died! it was so horrible.

has anyone had this experience before and does anyone know what triggers it? i dont want to see another fish in sooooo much pain again :(

I would issolate the fish if you can.
What colour are the lumps, do they look like a cluster of berries or a cauliflower.
Just check the lump with a magifying glass to make sure you can see no puncture wounds on the fish.
hey thanks. its not a puncture wound. it seems like somethings trying to get from the inside to the outside. well thats what it was like on the old fish. its not as bad with this fish. ive been trying to get it into my hospital tank but its too clever for me! i really dont want it to pass anything onto my big female because thats like a few years long project down the drain!!!

if you were to get something like "putty" (if anyone knows what that is) and you got air trapped in it, it would try and escape. thats the only way i can describe it. the fish itself seems normal. eating, swimming etc just as it used to do but, again, the freakin project!!

thank you for that! but those lumps are really huge compared to the lumps on my fish. they are basically like the size of an average spot on a human face lol. i just tried grabbing him but he's become so used to the tank, i lost him within 2 minutes. i think as soon as i put my hand in the water, her knows im after him n just flashes out of site.

im totally stumped on whats wrong with him but ill try my hardest to get it sorted otherwise its the worst :(

hes not the male the female "chose" any way so all is not lost :) apart from a fish :/

x thanks again x
Ok, do the pimples have a circling of red around them.
If there no peirce marks around them I would treat it as bacterial for now.

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