Lump appearing on betta body

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Barry Tetra

Fish Aficionado
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Dec 23, 2019
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My betta have these lump appearing on his body, is this some kind of tumour?
What should I do?


I once had a betta with lumps that looked like that and I was told it was tumours. If it's the same as my fish, there's no cure but a fish can live with them OK.
Cysts or tumors, nothing to do - except monitoring - as long as fish doesn't suffer from them.
What are the cause of tumour? Is it cause by low water qualities?
If the lumps grew rapidly (in a week or two) they are probably cysts or bacterial infections.
If the lumps grew over a longer period of time (several months) they are probably tumours.
As others have said, no treatment or cure.

Tumours are usually caused by old age, a weakened immune system, dirty environment, poor diet and inbreeding. Exposure to chemicals can also cause them.
Unhappily for the fish, much of the problem lies with the breeding...sibling breeding, crossbreeding, overbreeding...if a breeder gets a colourway that they like and they know will garner more money, they will exploit it. In doing so they will breed from that fish to get similar colourway that is close to the original, even if that means using that parent fish many many times with its siblings to get it

The breeder gets the fish he wants and a very healthy bank account....the fish has a significantly weakened immune system, shorter than average lifespan and gets illness/disease/deformities more than other Betta that have been bred properly.

The breeders who produce the most exotic colourways either through overbreeding, genetic manipulation or injection do not care about the fish, they care only about how much they can sell them for cos they know that there is a guaranteed marketplace for them
If it was the water quality problem it was probably cause by the Walstad method as well :(

I’ll moved him to different tank and do daily water change to see if that’s the problem or not.
I bought the betta with tumours on-line as I couldn't find a plakat locally. He had what looked like a scale which had been caught on something when he arrived, which was actually the start of the first tumour. Was it in-breeding, or the conditions at the seller or the breeder? I'll never know.

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