Lucid Dreaming

I've been told that if you want to lucid dream for...erm...selfish or nefarious :hey: reasons, you won't be able to do it!

LOL! I'll try it out and let ya know :hey:
I'll try next time I go to sleep and tell you if a can ;) (hopefully I can, hehe)

It doesn't matter what you intend on doing in your lucid dream. The only thing that will hold you back is your set of mind. If you think it may not work than it won't. If you think that it will hold you back than it will, period.

Did you make that up, or are you just trying to be funny?
There was an episode of Family Guy where Steve learnt to lucid dream and that got me really interested in it.

The back of the hand thing is a really good tip. Also, keeping a dream diary is a great way to make you aware of your dreams.

Keep a notepad by the side of your bed and as soon as you wake up, write down everything you can remember about your dreams. If you leave it til later, you'll find that you've forgotten almost everything.

Lucid dreaming is also great for when you've been having an amazing dream and wake up half way through. You can go back to sleep and continue it!
Yeah. If you keep a dream journal in improves the recall of your dreams greatly and also increases your chance of lucid dreaming.

If people are wondering what technique scentless said at the end of his post about reentering you dream when you wake up the technique is called DEILD. If you want you could look it up. :)
I did some reading up on lucid dreaming and I got really freaked out!

I tried what Caprichoso did, but in vain. hehe. Maybe lucid dreaming is just not for me.
I did some reading up on lucid dreaming and I got really freaked out!

I tried what Caprichoso did, but in vain. hehe. Maybe lucid dreaming is just not for me.

LOL, do you really think it happens that fast?!! Patience my dear, patience! It took me months of doing the exercises before I had my first lucid dream, so yes, there is hope for you :good:
I did some reading up on lucid dreaming and I got really freaked out!

I tried what Caprichoso did, but in vain. hehe. Maybe lucid dreaming is just not for me.

LOL, do you really think it happens that fast?!! Patience my dear, patience! It took me months of doing the exercises before I had my first lucid dream, so yes, there is hope for you :good:

Hehe. But it seems so freaky to me! I have trouble sleeping though. My mind's always too active so I end up not sleeping sometimes. I'm wondering, how do you actually go to sleep?
If you don't think its a special thing and that it's a normal part of sleep your chances will increase. It take some training but you'll get there sometime. ;)
I did some reading up on lucid dreaming and I got really freaked out!

I tried what Caprichoso did, but in vain. hehe. Maybe lucid dreaming is just not for me.

LOL, do you really think it happens that fast?!! Patience my dear, patience! It took me months of doing the exercises before I had my first lucid dream, so yes, there is hope for you :good:

Hehe. But it seems so freaky to me! I have trouble sleeping though. My mind's always too active so I end up not sleeping sometimes. I'm wondering, how do you actually go to sleep?

If your mind is over active, it's helpful to write down what you're thinking, especially if you're thinking about all the things you have to do the next day or if you're stressed out about something. When you write it down, you are giving your brain permission to stop thinking about it because it's written down and you won't forget it. I also find that regular exercise is helpful for me to fall asleep easier , though exercise right before bed isn't a good idea. I think part of the reason I wake up so much at night is because I have a cat and she makes noises and also snuggles me a lot so I'm always waking up to give her a kiss :wub: Total darkness is also important and keeping the room cool is good for sleeping. Alcohol is the worst idea for sleeping so don't try that. It may cause you to fall asleep fast but you won't have a restful sleep at all!
Yep... I get this controllable dreams some times.. Very enjoyable.. Specially the x rated one.. Hell yeah...!
If your mind is over active, it's helpful to write down what you're thinking, especially if you're thinking about all the things you have to do the next day or if you're stressed out about something. When you write it down, you are giving your brain permission to stop thinking about it because it's written down and you won't forget it. I also find that regular exercise is helpful for me to fall asleep easier , though exercise right before bed isn't a good idea. I think part of the reason I wake up so much at night is because I have a cat and she makes noises and also snuggles me a lot so I'm always waking up to give her a kiss :wub: Total darkness is also important and keeping the room cool is good for sleeping. Alcohol is the worst idea for sleeping so don't try that. It may cause you to fall asleep fast but you won't have a restful sleep at all!

I should try that out! Now I wake up mostly cause I drink loads of water and need to pee! :lol: Aww kitty! That's so cute :blush:
If you drink alot of water before bed it will wake you up before your next dream if your not too tired. When you wake up use the restroom and lay back in bed. You should still feel very tired. Try falling asleep thinking about lucid dreaming. This technique is called WBTB. :)
When I was younger I dreamt that I fell off a cliff in another world and fell out of my top bunk bed WITH SIDES?! Is that the same thing?? I think its quite an acomplishment :rofl:

Laura x
When I was younger I dreamt that I fell off a cliff in another world and fell out of my top bunk bed WITH SIDES?! Is that the same thing?? I think its quite an acomplishment :rofl:

Laura x

Though that is an interesting dream, it's not lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is when you are dreaming and you are aware that you are dreaming. So, it's like you're in another world because you actually know that you are laying in bed sleeping. Total mind trip :hyper:

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