I wake up several times in the night and am a very light sleeper, which makes a person more prone to having lucid dreams. The first time I was aware I was dreaming, I woke up instantly, it seems your body wants to wake you up as soon as you're aware of it. But, through the years I've gotten much better at it and have been able to make some very strange things happen in my dreams.
Depending on the night, I can control certain things better than others and can be lucid for a few minutes at a time...now I don't know how much time really goes on in the dream world but it seems like a few minutes.
A useful exercise a person can do throughout the day to promote lucid dreaming is this: Throughout the day, stare at the back of your hand and ask yourself, "Am I dreaming?". Keep doing this repeatedly. I also would do this each time I went through a doorway. Honestly, after a couple of months of doing this, I had a dream one night where I was in a house and I walked through a doorway, suddenly looked at the back of my hand and realized I WAS DREAMING!!! OMG it was the most insane feeling ever!
Since being able to do it the first time, I've been able to change the scenery of my dreams(one time my dream started out as a cold winter evening and I changed it to a warm summer day!). It's very hard to change things and stay in the dream at the same time because your body wants to keep waking up. Sometimes in the lucid dream, my periphery starts to get fuzzy, this is when I am starting to wake up and at times I can focus on something and stop it from happening.
On average, I have a lucid dream about every 3-6 months. My last one I flew around my back yard for about 5 seconds before I woke up, it was AMAZING!! And no, I do not do drugs, lol.
Thanks for posting the topic!