Lrib quick please

:fish: Leave them with the parents, they will do thier best to protect them from other fish. If you can divide the tank so that the kribs and babies have an area of thier own this will help to save the fry. :D
Since this will probably happen again it will be worth getting another tank just for the kribs if you wish to rear the fry to saleable size. :)
Have a chat with your lfs to see if they'll take them off your hands when they are about an inch and a half long :D
Phase2, I just looked at your "tanks" in your sig.....which one do you have the Kribs in?

Listen to babyfish. If you plan on keeping the pair together, but don't want to "raise" fry, leave them be. The parents will raise them for you, if at all possible. The other fish in the tank will try to eat them (well, still need to know what tank?).

And this WILL happen every month or so, now that they have started. If you really want to raise a few batches, I suggest a 20g with the pair and a half dozen dither fish ALONE. The parents will be happy to continue to spawn as long as you want them too. :D
Thanks for the replies....I have updated my sig so it shows what fish are where.....they seem to be ok at the moment....I want to find a good food supply for them though. I am dropping liquifry down that side of the tank and they seem to like that.....I have been told that they like cucumber so I'm gonna drop some in now.....thanks again.
Glad to hear everything is going well, Phase2. As long as you are feeding the parents, the fry will get food. MANY times I watched the female gobble up food, only to go to the babies and spit it out for them to eat. If she didn't chew it up good enough, she will suck it back into her mouth and spit out smaller pieces.

Also, if you have live plants, you should notice the "family" swimming around inside them, munching on "leaves". They are not eating the plants, just the little organisms that grow on/in them.

Believe me, the fry will get plenty to eat as long as they are with the parents. :D I never supplemented mine (until after they were removed) and they grew up nice and healthy and strong.

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