

Fish Herder
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
If i start a 12 gallon tank could i buy like 1 KG a week or every 2 weeks because im 15 and cant get a part time job. Money comes from parents (who have 8 kids) so i cant say can i have £300 for stuff because everyone will want the same. Anyway could i do that. There will be no fish or inverts in the tank and the rock will be cured.

my limited knowledge says yeah sure but wouldnt it be a bit easier to save the money and buy it in 5 kg lumps or 10 kg lumps. but yeah i can see why you want to do this. Know what you mean about lots of kids theres me my 3 sisters and3 days a week 3 step kids holyhell its a big family
You could buy it a bit at a time but it will take ages before you could put any livestock in there.

You will have a mini cycle after each addition of LR but it's not a bad thing in some ways as it will give you plenty of practice with water changes and water testing which are sooooo crucial when running a nano tank.
what is mormons, isant that those little pink aliens?
O well if i saved up it would still be the same thim at adding the livestock. Anyhow i might save up not sure.
Dayum 8 kids?! I smell mormons. As said above you can add little by little until you have the right amount.

Lol, do they even have Mormons in England? You'd be better off doing it in larger chunks cause little rocks are harder to stack than bigger ones ;)
LOL, no i have never heard of them, is it the cartoon with the pink things? O well i think i will get big pecies
Mormons are a sect of Protestant Christians who in addition to the Bible believe in another scripture, the aptly named Book of Mormon. Mormons can be found all through out the state of Utah where they settled. They've got a lot of wierd practices including polygamy
I think there were 20 Mormons declared on the last UK census according to one of the daily papers but around 30K Jedi Knights.

Got to love our sense of humour.
im going to join the jedi nights i mean how ace is it to be called qwoi gon kin or obi wan konobi. or i could go to the DARK side
its just the force thing is a bit hard to controol i mean i tried to lift up a friend with my mind but past out :p

rhysiboy (buzzed today im off school for 2 weeks )
I have to go to school for monday and tuesday and then we go back on the 3rd of january. My mum is from north dekota. But she just likes to have kids i guess lol :D :p
I have to go to school for monday and tuesday and then we go back on the 3rd of january. My mum is from north dekota. But she just likes to have kids i guess lol :D :p

North Dakota*

It's illegal to have more than two kids in Some chineese province.
haha kid tax how fun. maybe they should make it compolsury for them to have viscectimys after first child. or the evil way every thursday at 9:00 am the shooting squad will come out to play coz to be honest who wants to pay tax :p

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