Lr Removal


Apr 15, 2007
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South coast uk
I'm a little worried about this as it looks like i will have to remove alot of my LR to catch my angel as its been causing me problems

My concerns are that if i remove it it will cause problems, so thought that if i tie this in with a partial water change i could remove some water from the tank to a clean bucket that has only ever been used for my marine set up then once the fish is caught replace the LR then mix up some new water and leave it mixing for a few hours before re filling my tank

My main concern is that i think the only option is to leave the corals in the tank as it will stress them to much taking them out then back in without being able to acclimatise them.

Does this sound an acceptable route to be taking or have i overlooked something?
What I would do and have done (while moving to new tanks) is this...take some 5 gallon buckets (or whatever really) and load two up with new saltwater (for a later water change) then siphon out enough water to fill a couple of buckets ever many buckets you think it will take to store your LR. Its good to do that before hand so your not sucking up the water thats all mucky and stirred up after digging rocks out of the substrate. Then chunk your rocks (corals too) in the buckets. Net your fishy, put him where ever. Then siphon out some of that mucky water...then add your rocks back to the tank, add the water from the buckets that were storing the rocks. Maybe not the water that was storing the corals depending on the species and whether or not they may have put off toxins from the stress of being moved. Then add however much of the new saltwater you need to compensate for the mucky water that was removed and the water that you spilled/dripped all over the floor because you were distracted when someone came to the door. Tada.

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