Lr Critter Id


Fish Fanatic
Jan 15, 2007
Reaction score
California, USA
This little white toothy looking thing has been growing unknown to me and i just recently discovered him after adding the rest of my LR. I've observed him for a bit and he acts kinda like a venus flytrap. it closes the top hinge every so often, i guess when it finds something it likes?

i haven't the slightest as to what it is or if its good or bad, its been growing in a hole in the LR for who knows how long. I'd guage its size a bit smaller than a U.S. dime and it has absolutely zero color, solid white.


and no, it didnt eat a crab, that red piece was left from when one of the scarlets molted...
Is it stationary or mobile? Does it appear to have a soft body or a hard skeleton or shell of any kind? If it has a shell does it have sides like a clam or not?

First thing that comes to mind is a Limpet, might try a google search and see if thats it. Tough to say without a better pic though, sorry
Is it stationary or mobile? Does it appear to have a soft body or a hard skeleton or shell of any kind? If it has a shell does it have sides like a clam or not?

First thing that comes to mind is a Limpet, might try a google search and see if thats it. Tough to say without a better pic though, sorry

Its definately stationary, it appears to have a hard skeleton, and yes it does have sides, so if the mouth were closed, it would be completely sealed up. unfortunately thats the best pic i could get, i'll see if i cant find a better way to photo him.

i googled limpet and it doesnt look like one of those...
I have something similar I think.

The tube looks like a spiny feather duster tube, but it's not a feather duster. There's something alive in there but they only peak their head out a tiny amount, not long enough to get a decent look at it.

Will try and post a pic of it when I get home from work.
If its got two sides, stationary, closes and opens, id guess Bivalve. Ive also seen that shell pattern. :good: Good critters.
Agreed, most 2-sided critters are bi-valves and most bi-valves are good :)

Here's mine, not so sure if they are similar now (and unfortunately macro mode on my cheap camera stinks).


Not a shell, more like a case for a feather duster but spikey, have put the arrow pointing at the mouth.

Here's another of the head just poking out.

The original one is almost definately a Bi-valve and harmless.
Not sure about the ones at the end though... It looks to me like aiptasia but i could well be wrong, the picture isnt the clearest. :blush:
heh the pic is indeed, awful.

Certainly not an aiptasia, I'll have to try another pic later.
after googling and looking at some different types of bivalves, i think we've ID'd our critter!

cool! :good: thanks!
Well I've completely failed at taking a better photo, next time I rearrange my rock I'll snap it in an easier position, for now I'll just keep an eye on it.

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