Lowering My Ph

Sea Turtle

Fish Crazy
May 18, 2007
Reaction score
Stratford, Connecticut
My PH is at 8.6 I know that it should be more acidic around 8.0 to 8.3. I have B-Ionic with calcium and Alkalinity dosing at 50ml/day. How can I lower the PH without putting chemicals into the water. I am a firm believer of fixing the problem not masking it.

8.6 isn't necessarily a problem... In order to fully diagnose the pH, we'll need the following measures:


Bionic part 2 is a sodium bicarb based solution which will lean a system with sufficient magnesium and calcium towards a higher pH with repeated doses of part 2. If your alk and calc quite high, I'd just reccomend backing off the bionic dosing for a bit. Try every other day
8.6 isn't necessarily a problem... In order to fully diagnose the pH, we'll need the following measures:


Bionic part 2 is a sodium bicarb based solution which will lean a system with sufficient magnesium and calcium towards a higher pH with repeated doses of part 2. If your alk and calc quite high, I'd just reccomend backing off the bionic dosing for a bit. Try every other day


Calcium 415
Alkalinity 8
Magnesium - I don't have a test
Salinity 1.026

It seems as if the PH goes down to around 8.0 when the lights are off and then back to 8.6'sh when the are on.
Ah hah, that's indicitave of poor gas exchange as a result of poor surface agitation. CO2 is building up during the night when plants/algae are NOT photosynthesizing. 8.0 isn't all that bad as a bottom end though. TBH, your chemistry sounds ok. I'd bet your magnesium is on the higher end of the spectrum, thus allowing your alk to be shifted more towards bicarbonate (instead of carbonate) and thus the high pH when CO2 levels are low. Make sense? I assume you're NOT dosing kalkwasser right?
Ah hah, that's indicitave of poor gas exchange as a result of poor surface agitation. CO2 is building up during the night when plants/algae are NOT photosynthesizing. 8.0 isn't all that bad as a bottom end though. TBH, your chemistry sounds ok. I'd bet your magnesium is on the higher end of the spectrum, thus allowing your alk to be shifted more towards bicarbonate (instead of carbonate) and thus the high pH when CO2 levels are low. Make sense? I assume you're NOT dosing kalkwasser right?
I am using the B-Ionic 2 part with a LiterMeter III. Does this mean that I have to have more surface agitation? For examplel, pointing the power head up at the surface more? The surface does seem to be moving around a lot though. I also have a RO/DI unit. I never use pure tap water. What do you think that I should do? Is it ok where it is?
It's not necessarily a problem where it is tbh. If you have good surface agitation then maybe you're just struggling to keep it stable without an opposite-lit refugium. Were it my tank, I'd probably leave it where it is, or invest in an HOB refugium.

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