Lower Tank Deaths


New Member
Jul 24, 2002
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I've had a tank for 3 months now and with a bit of help from this board it's fairly stable with 3 Guppies, 7 Neons and 4 Serpie Tetras.

Recently added an Algae Eater. Died after a week.

Added two Corry's (1 Albeno, 1 Pepper). Albeno died after 3 days, Pepper hanging in there.

I haven't done anything special for these lower tank fish. Is there anything that I should be doing?

As an aside the Tetras are slightly red around the guills. Is this normal?

All help much appreciated.
hi billy, I'm no expert, but perhaps you could tell us your water condition and what you feed (fed) your fishies? That will help the 'experts' when they come in. ;)

I feed my cats on algae discs, courgette, lettuce and catfish pellets (not at the same time of course) - I blanch the veggies for a couple of mins first and weight it down.
Ph 6.0
Amonia <.4 mg/litre (on a colour chart.)
Nitrite 0

15 gallon tank ( 2'x1'x1')

I feed dried flakes along with dried blood worm. I try to give them live food once a week (usually brine shrimp or daphnia).

I don't use a ugf it's a pump filter at the side of the tank.


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