Low Tech Ferts For New Tank?

Electric Warrior

Apr 29, 2012
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Hi there. I am just coming to the end of cycling my new 200L tank, and will be stocking with fish in about 2 weeks time. I have just added a few plants, and will be moderately to heavily planting the tank just as the fish will be introduced. This is my first new tank in quite a while, and my first planted tank ever. What are the best low tech ferts that you can suggest for this type of set up? I am not 100% what exact plants I will be using exactly, but most likely Vallis, Amazon Swords, and Camoba, at least. My substrate is playsand only. I am running T8 lights- Arcadia Freshwater and Arcadia Tropical. I just purchased some TNC Lite on someone's recommendation, but I am wondering if I should get some root tabs as well, since I am only using sand, and I know that the roots of some of these plants are a bit hungry? Thanks.

Also, if anyone knows of any other easy, low tech plants (must be S. American though), I would appreciate some suggestions! :good:

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