Low Light Planted Tank


New Member
Mar 23, 2010
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I currently have a 29 gallon tank with a 20w 2800k fluorescent tube (roughly .70 wpg if my math is correct). I've grown java moss in it previously, but I was curious how Java Fern, Clover Leaf, Crypts, and Amazon Swords would grow. Would it be worth upgrading the tube without having algae out my ears? I don't fertilize or inject co2.

Thank you in advance :fun:
I currently have a 29 gallon tank with a 20w 2800k fluorescent tube (roughly .70 wpg if my math is correct). I've grown java moss in it previously, but I was curious how Java Fern, Clover Leaf, Crypts, and Amazon Swords would grow. Would it be worth upgrading to roughly a 30w tube without having algae out my ears? I don't fertilize or inject co2.

Thank you in advance :fun:

Based on what I've personally done in the past, those plants should be fine. I had a 29g that I used to breed kribensis like 15 years ago planted with most of those plants, using the stock lighting (20W). Plant densly and consider dosing with a good fert. CO2 wouldn't be needed, but is always a nice option if you can. My 36g has a plan similar to what you are perhaps looking for. Latest pictures are here. You could upgrade to the 30W if you wish, but see the other first before you commit. To me, the lighting would be very similar. Perhaps only the marsilea might like the 30W bulb more, the others, should be fine either way. The color temperature is a matter of personal taste. The only bulb I haven't really tried is actinic, so I cannot say anything about that, but how weird would that be? 10000k is too "cold" looking for me, but I've used it in a pinch (other bulb broke) and the plants grew fine.

Thanks for the info.

That tank of yours is beautiful, is that tank co2 injected/fertilized?

I'll be sure to take pics if I do follow through with purchasing those plants and see how they grow. I've been reading article after article about DIY co2 systems and how to measure your ppm's etc. Are there any corners I can cut when it comes to co2?
Thanks for the info.

That tank of yours is beautiful, is that tank co2 injected/fertilized?

I'll be sure to take pics if I do follow through with purchasing those plants and see how they grow. I've been reading article after article about DIY co2 systems and how to measure your ppm's etc. Are there any corners I can cut when it comes to co2?

No there is no CO2 injection. Yes, I dose ferts. Tropica Plant Nutrition+ (TPN+) at about 10ml when I remember. The water is changed (25%) once a month about with occasional top-offs in between.

If the article is about using kH and ph, then that is not accurate. If you plan to inject CO2, 29g is a little large for DIY fermentation to be cost-effective in the long-run. Not to say it hasn't been done, but getting stable higher levels of CO2 with fermentation based injection on a larger tank is more difficult as is diffusing it through the water evently. With that size tank, it is better, IMO to go pressurized, possibly dose with liquid carbon (though not cost effective either), or don't bother with CO2 and keep the lighting low.

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