Low light fish?


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2004
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I really don't know about this one, but I took the lights from my ten gallon and put it on my 5 gallon--the plants are showing great improvement. However now the ten gallon is left without light ( it is very very dark in there) and the black gravel only makes it darker. So I don't really wanna buy new lighting, instead, to make things interesting, I'll buy some fish that like the darker habitat. Something hardy and suitable for a ten gallon.

Does anyone have any suggestions at all?

And does the amount of light the fish get make a noticeable difference in behaviour?

This tank will get a little bit of indirect natural sunlight in the day, I'm predicting.
cories would'nt mind the lower light levels

glowlight tetras also prefer a darker habitat


most bottom dwellers
No plec is suitable for a 10g.

Try corys or any other small catfish.
I wouldn't say plecos are good for a ten gallon...they get quite wide in their body too (for their size that is).

I really want to understock this tank, it's going to be my first tank with lots of fish in it so I think I'll just go with the glowlights....the cory's can wait until I feel comfortable adding more fish.

Thanks for all the help, gonna get started on the aquascape soon.
Get a load of corydora hastatus, they are a bit nervous in a lighted aquarium, but are really lively and fun in a group :D

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