Low Growth Carpets For Ei?


Fish Herder
Nov 16, 2006
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Are there plants suited to a high light/CO2/EI tank for carpeting that are not rampant growers? Any suited to smaller tanks?
I like Dwarf Lobelia:



Hair grass:


and Crypts:


Tom Barr
Is there a latin name for dwarf lobelia? Always wondered about dwarf hair grass but never sure how much attention it actually needs to keep it low? Without trimming what sort of height does it reach? Also, which crypt variety is that one? I like it :)
I have dwarf hairgrass and it does take awhile to spread (I actually wish it was a bit quicker growing :) ) and doesn't need a lot of attention. Mine at least grows to about 4-5inch tall at max.

I have trimmed it down to about 1/2inch once when I had bad algae and while it grew back again very quickly (in about 2-3 weeks) it didn't get any taller then 4-5 inchs. If you wanted to keep it shorter you could probably expect to trim it once every 2 weeks maybe.
Eleocharis `parvula` grows less upright than E. acicularis, reaching about half the height. I find hairgrasses very easy to keep, as do most people, I think.

Or Utricularia graminifolia that I dont think grows very fast. I have found dwarf hairgrass to be a bit tricky TBH, but maybe thats just me! :lol:

Eleocharis `parvula` grows less upright than E. acicularis, reaching about half the height. I find hairgrasses very easy to keep, as do most people, I think.


Parvula can grow quite tall, but it tends to point in whatever direction the current is going in.

It really attracts BBA if you have algae problems (which I'm sure most of you guys don't, its just me :p) BBA is one of the reasons I got rid of most of mine.
90% of my `parvula` leaves stay at around 2" in height (and 100% BBA free :p ), with the odd one reaching a little higher (it is only the sloping substrate making it look tall at either side of the tank). My problem was with rhizoclonium :X


That smaller tank is stunning :)

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