Low Barometer Reading For Cories


New Member
Jun 7, 2008
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Currently our barometer averages 1030hPa, but for the past 24 hours it has been about 1000hPa and my cories are going crazy! Even the ones that normally hide all day, are swimming up and down the glass.

Hopefully that means that means there will be some eggs in the near future!

I have read about the connection before, but has anyone else noticed this connection on a regular basis?
Yes Corys get active during barametric changes. Spawning will often take place when there are changes in the weather. Personally I have not seen that it makes lots of difference what the change is though.

Any excuse for a party with Corydoras!
Yeah, mine go nuts when it's about rain, which happens quite often during the rainy season in South FL. But then, they also go nuts when there's food on the table.
I am a big believer in barometric pressure changes inducing spawning in fish which tend to be seasonal spawners- ie those thet live where there are dry and rainy seasons. I have seen it too many times and gotten too many spawns coinciding with the onset of a decent size storm. Of course changes in TDS as well as proper conditioning are also key factors.

The fish I have had spawn in response to a big water change timed to the arrival of a storms, and let me add the water changes were not with cooler water, include:
Farlowella vittata
Assorted corys
BN pleco
Zebra Pleco

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