Loving Turtles/toroises


Fish Gatherer
Apr 29, 2005
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South Carolina... Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places.
I am really interested in getting a turtle/tortoise of some sort. However, from what I've read, most need a 120g or more tank. Are there any that stay smaller? I just don't have room for a large tank, unfortunately. The largest I could ever get is a 50g.
I have a sulcata tortoise. If you get a tortoise, you can buy one of those large plastic kiddie pools, put substrate and shelter and stuff and put it in. Its the best to do because they need sunlight for their shell. I dont think you should get a sulcata tortoise though, as they are the 3rd largest tortoise in the world. Full grown they are 24-30 inches in carapace length. Its not that big, but if you can home go ahead. It does take a long time to grow though. I think they grow like an inch every 2 years. They live for around 50 years.
Well, I have an opportunity to rescue a couple of RES turtles... they belong to a lady my mom knows and through conversation (my mom telling her that her nutso daughter is now wanting a turtle), the lady offered them to me for free. She's had them for 3 years in one of those bowls with the raised center for a basking area. They are still only about 3" diameter. She says they haven't hardly grown... I wonder why!?! :blink:
So, should I take them? I only have a 30g right now, but can get a 50 (or 55) gallon in the next 6-8 months, possibly for Christmas. I know that's not large enough for both of them for ever, but I also have a 1.5 acre pond on our 11 acres of land that I could put them in if that would be ok. I don't care it they eat some of the fish, as there are hardly any in there anyways.
I just hate not to take them, seeing as how they're so cramped and uncared for right now.
What do you think?

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