Love fish anti hair algae


New Member
Jul 17, 2020
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I recently bought the love fish anti hair algae for my fish tank from pets at home. What I didn't read on the side of the bottle was, 'Not for fish intended for human consumption', but also states ' if swallowed seek medical advice immediately'. I'm a bit confused about this!
Has anyone used this before, do you need to take all the fish out then treat it? Will it harm the fish?
Any chemical added to a tank will end up inside the fish. The fact that they say don't eat fish that have been in water where this chemical has been added shows this - the fish will be contaminated with the chemical.

Using a chemical to treat any type of algae will not work. It may kill the algae but unless you find the cause of the algae and remedy that, the algae will just come back.
Algae is caused by an imbalance in the tank.
Do you have live plants in the tank? If not, the light being on too long will cause algae to grow.
If you do have live plants, using too much or too little fertiliser can cause algae to grow.

There are other mebers of the forum who can help you control algae better than any chemical.
Of you do want to take action using chemicals, better to use hydrogen peroxide IMO

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