Lots Of Questions On An Albino Cory


Fish Herder
Dec 27, 2007
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ok well that is what I think I have. I got a very small very white with a pinkish cast little catfish, he/she is less then one inch long. I got him on the advice of the lfs to keep the bottem of my tank clean. and now I am wondering if I am taking care of it properly.

29 gallon with
1 little catfish, 6 platies, 4 guppys. I know the tank is not super full, but I am new at fish keeping and dont want to overload things.

first question, can he just eat the flakes/algechips I feed the others as some fall to the bottem and he is always right there to get them.

is he lonely?, I keep reading that they need company to be happy, well my little catfish...when not scrounging the bottem is always swimming all over the tank with the platies...all day...he dosnt seem to be nocturnal. and no one seems to pick on or mind him.

I have very small, rounded gravel in my tank, I know sand is the best, but is small rounded gravel ok?

I read that scaleless fish dont really like salt....I use just a tiny bit, will it hurt him? he dosnt seem to mind.

and if he would do better in a group, how many and how does that affect my number of fish per inch? same as regular tropical fish?
Do you have a picture?

Almost all catfish species like groups of 5 or more of their species--the more the merrier. The little fella will do ok with the leftovers, but they are not really scavengers and will do better with their own catfish food.

Really, most of your questions have the same answer: They prefer fine sand, but will do on small round pebble like substrate if it is kept clean (like with a gravel vac.) Salt is not recommended.

You could easily add 4 Corys and still have room for your guppy and platy fry for awhile.

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