Lost one of my khuli Loaches :(


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2004
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I posted a while ago about how one lost all its color, well when cleaning the tank today I notced in the plants there was a white thing, sucked it up, and thats when I realized it was whats left of my poor sick khuli. :byebye:

I dont even know what was wrong with him to start with.
Now I only have 14 Khuli loaches.

I was sad so I fed my fish some frozen blood worms to cheer them up about their lost friend.
i am sorry for your loss, i lost all of mine. th first jumped right out the top of my aquarium, i found him a week later all crispy on my floor the second loach just dissapeared! :crazy:
khuli loaches do that sometimes
they are extremely sensitive to water and tank conditions
what may seem perfect to you or me sometimes drives a khuli to kamikazi (like jump out or just suddenly die)
i swear these loaches can just "decide" to die and croak :crazy:
its happened to me once before
he was active and eating in the mornign and suddenly he went white and i found him all stiff and dead :X :sick:

BTW in a group that big i'm sure the others won't even notice :thumbs:
they are probably as happy as ever
14 left!! cool group of khuli's

My 3 are prone to losing their colour if the lights arn't on for a while. with the lights on a timer their colour is fine.

sorry for the loss, at least you have 14 more to keep the bottom active :)
Pointy_kitty said:
khuli loaches do that sometimes
they are extremely sensitive to water and tank conditions
what may seem perfect to you or me sometimes drives a khuli to kamikazi (like jump out or just suddenly die)
i swear these loaches can just "decide" to die and croak :crazy:
its happened to me once before
he was active and eating in the mornign and suddenly he went white and i found him all stiff and dead :X :sick:

BTW in a group that big i'm sure the others won't even notice :thumbs:
they are probably as happy as ever
Ya, I dont know what it is with them, he was alive and colorless for about 3 days.
Then I didnt see him for two days then I saw a white "skin" stuck to the filter.

I am hoping he was jsut old, as he was one of hte larger one I have. Cause if its something I am doing I really dont know what it is, and dont want to lose more.

I dont think the rest notice, but I think they did eat him :sick: they eat anything they can thats on the bottom.

On a brighter note I think one of them is carriing eggs, cause its real fat and lumpy.

14 of them still makes it very interesting, as they like to play tag, and sit in the plants.

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