Lost One Of My Guys


Jan 11, 2005
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I lost one of my two bettas this AM. :-(

I had him for about a year and a half. He's always been happy and healthy, but over the past two days he's been quietly resting on the bottom and not eating. This morning he just rolled over on his side and died. I think it must have been old age as his water was fine. (He was in a 5 gallon tank which was heated, filtered and planted.)

RIP little Paxil. :-(
:-( Sorry Squirrlebuddies. :rip: Paxil. Any particular reason why this betta was named after a prescription anxiety medication?

Just curious.
:-( Sorry Squirrlebuddies. :rip: Paxil. Any particular reason why this betta was named after a prescription anxiety medication?

Just curious.

My other betta is "Zoloft"! Funny you should ask -- I only name my bettas -- no other fish. I think mostly because they are kept "one per tank" so it's a little more personal than a dozen neons. Anyway, fishkeeping and planted tanks are my "mental therapy"! :)
Anyway, fishkeeping and planted tanks are my "mental therapy"! :)

Amen to that sister! Rather pay $100 on plants and fish than on a psychiatrist! Saw the nano diary, it rocks! Can't wait to setup mine! Laterite is on its way! :shout: :D

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