Lost my female Medusa this morning?


Fish Fanatic
May 29, 2005
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Middlesbrough- Uk

Lost my female L255 this morning, she was pure white on the top of her torso, dont know why?

I did a water change two days ago, I checked the stats before hand and afterwoods all fine.

I checked the stats this morning after finding her dead, :rip: :byebye: :dunno: ????

Ph 7.
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0

Temp 28c

There are 2 caves and lots of bogwood, could the bogwood cause this? (as it acidics the water?)

The other Medusa is fine, no problems?

But I notice that the female medusa was read on the top of her head, maybe she got into a fight.


I'm sorry :(
Losing the special ones is always the hardest :(
Awww I'm so sorry for your loss. It may well remain a mystery forever. Could have been an injury. Was she a very active fish? I've not kept medusas. I have brachysynodontis' and they are incredibly active after dark. One hit the extra glass cover at the top of the tank t'other night! Am suprised he didn't knock himself out in the process.
What was she living with? Are any likely to be so aggressive as to cause her death? :(
are you sure the test results are correct? nitrAtes shouldn't really be 0, unless you're heavily planted..
Yeah im heavily planted in the tank, surely the nitrate shouldnt of caused this.

What I dont get is that the remaining Medusa is lots more active.

They are housed with Bristle Noses, and their is 3 caves and 4 caves made out of bogwood,

Ive never seen them feed though, the Medusa's I mean,

I fed them daily ammounts of Bloodworms, and algae tablets & cucumber.

Strange huh,

what I do know is that it was completly white on the skin??????

Mells I am really sorry to hear that - truly am.

Though I did warn you that these particular fish are very delicate and just do not do well. I lost my first one the day after it arrived and another 2 during the following weeks.

As I explained to you in this thread, "These fish (wild caught) that you are ordering have obviously very recently been imported and have just completed a very long journey from deepest South America. They have then been put into a tank (in the UK) for a very short while before being packaged again to ship to you. By the time they will arrive at your house, they would have completed an immense journey with a lot of stress.

I have since found out that these fish absolutely do not do well with stress and varying conditions." :no:

I now only have 1 left of the 4 I originally bought (you can imagine how gutted I am if you know what they cost :crazy: ) and it seems to be doing fine. Though it's probably just pure luck that this fish had more resilience more than anything else.

I was incredibly tempted to buy more to replace them, but if so many fish die so soon for no apparent reason, there is a reason. Do not be tempted to buy more until you know if your remaining one survives.

Did you put them into your new tank as you originally planned ? If so, then that would have almost certainly been the reason, combined with the extreme travelling stress these fish have been through :sad: .

Edit: she probably died early last night and turned white during the night. They tend to turn white fairly quickly after the die - though saying that, this pic below is of one of mine that died (it's already dead in the pic) - you wouldn't have thought so, would you ? :dunno:

Yeah Bloozoo I can sympathise with the losing them and the cost of them, after looking up some threads from another site, I thinking it was startvation that she died of.

Another guy got four of them and they all refused to eat and died, I have never seen either of mine eat, and every night I place in bloodworms for them.

I had these fish still in quarentine with the other bristlenoses.

Best advice I got today was to keep these fish in a tank of their own, so that they feed.

I will be placing the remaining medusa in its tank next week, just to ensure the tank is cycled.

Im investing in 7 new tanks next mth, so wont need to put new fish together because of lack of space when querentining,

Im certaninly not going to be buying anymore of this species for a few mths.

Mine are/were in a tank of their own :/ The most likely reason yours might not have been eating was the severe travelling stress and many changes in conditions - that at the end of the day is what killed them. That's why the fish were starving.... :sad:

Though that said, mine were definitely eating and sometimes saw them eat (lights off and watching them closely for several minutes).

Oh well - perhaps I'll try again at some point if my last remaining one remains alive for several months.

Good luck with yours :)

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