Gday from downunder. I have lost 4 Bristlenose in a 4 week period. my tank finnished cycling at the time i brought the first one, i perchased them from two differant shops, I have ownd them in the past and found that they were a hardy little critter, I also have in the tank a sailfin pleco and a clown pleco and am woried that they will be next. The only sighn of any ilness that i could see was that the last one to go had a bright red spot on his belly. my water parameter is as follows.
150 ltr tank
dgh 3.4
dkh 6.7
ph 7.0
nitrate 40.0
amonia 0.0
temp 28.5 c
150 ltr tank
dgh 3.4
dkh 6.7
ph 7.0
nitrate 40.0
amonia 0.0
temp 28.5 c