Lost Mouse


Fish Fanatic
Jul 1, 2006
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:-( as the topic says i accidentally forgot to close the hatch and my litle mouse got out ( in my room11th may) . i saw him just b4 because he was on the top of my tank didnt know until the saratoga kept jumping up then went to have a look andd saw her on tank tried to catch it but tooooooooo fast :-( . she ran around kitchen now i have no idea where she is!!! any ideas how to get my mouse back. without hurting it because my dad wants to put a mouse trap with cheese and im like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :no:
You can get live, friendly mouse traps too, but what I do with my hamsters if they escape...

I set up a bucket with a ramp leading up e.g. books and put some of their favourite treats on there. In the bucket I put a lining of their bedding and put some other foods they like. It's worked in the past for friends also who lost their Dwarf Hamsters so I hope it will work for you. :good:

If you don't know which room to put the bucket in, close all the doors you can with a couple of treats in each one and see which treats go.
I dont wanna give you any false hope... so im just gonna say its probably long gone :unsure: I bred hamsters many years ago and have had numerous escape and no matter how much I tore the house apart looking I never once found them.... EVER... ya never know though I guess.. sorry to hear it escaped
Look at the back of the washer inside one of my hamster got in there years ago.
You can get live, friendly mouse traps too, but what I do with my hamsters if they escape...

I set up a bucket with a ramp leading up e.g. books and put some of their favourite treats on there. In the bucket I put a lining of their bedding and put some other foods they like. It's worked in the past for friends also who lost their Dwarf Hamsters so I hope it will work for you. :good:

If you don't know which room to put the bucket in, close all the doors you can with a couple of treats in each one and see which treats go.

hehehhe ill try this out thanxx for the idea!!
a quick search of ebay australia brings up 3 items
this is the cheapest

humane mousetap

if lilmuppets idea doesnt work then ill buy that trap :)
Oh, how abt your mouse. I have catch it already or not...

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