Lost betta


Swim with the Fishes
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Mt. Holly, NC
I just got home from work and went to turn on the light in Ty's tank (5 gallon hex). I didn't see him swimming or under the plant. I looked between the HOB filter and the back of the tank. Nothing. I looked over the stand at the floor and there he was. The tank has a cover on it but apparently he jumped out throught the 1.5" square hole that you knock out for the heater to go through. How in the world he did that I don't know. He was completely dried out so he must have done it shortly after we fed him and went to work.
A word of warning. If there is even the smallest hole in the cver/tank top, please cover it with something.
I'm so sorry for your loss :(

All of my boys try desperately to jump out of their cups while I'm cleaning their tanks. I keep hearing bonking noises on whatever it is that I have covering the cop. The rest of my tanks have glass covers on them.

Again, sorry for your loss. It's always hard to lose a pet.

R.I.P. little guy.
My wife cried when she found out. She has already said we had to get another one and has already named it. I just can't believe he jumped through such a small hole.
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss :-(

All the cut-outs in my tank lids are stuffed with rolled up kitchen paper towels. One night some of my girls were having a bit of a ding dong when I heard a thud on the tank lid and noticed something fall on the floor. When I got up I saw they had dislodged the paper towel, so if it hadn't been there then they would have gone clean out the tank :eek:

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