I've only recently come back on the forum but i would like to help you out so you'll have to update me on your events;
a. How many tetras have you lost and what were their exact symtoms or any strange behavior leading up to their deaths, no matter how insignificant they may seem, i.e pale/faded coloring, gasping at the surface or lying lifeless/not having any energy at the bottom of the tank, flicking and scratching against objects etc?
b. What are your exact stats for ammonia, nitrates and nitrites and ph and have you added any meds to the tank recently, any rocks or tank ornements, plant fertilisers etc?
c. What have you been feeding your fish recently, how much and how often?
d. You say you havn't done a water change for 2weeks, this is not good as toxins can build up in the tank, especially if water has been evaporating, were you able to feed your fish during this time?
Tokis, thanks for offering your help. I am stumped.
a. I can't tell you how many phantoms I've lost since I added a couple after losing some of the originals, but I think I've lost 4 and have 3 from the original group left. The male always seems kind of pale, but eats and doesn't act sick. Without exception, the pre-death symptoms are swimming in one spot mostly and gulping. Eventually the scales stick out some, this varies in how bad the "pineconing" gets before they die. Some of these fish showed no interest in food, others seemed to want to eat, but somehow couldn't. I notice white stringy poop on the sick fish.
b. nitrates during this time were 20-40, nitrites and ammonia were zero, pH is always high, around 7.4 - 7.6. Added Melafix treatment to no useful end at one point, didn't treat the last 2 that died, the very first one I quarantined and treated with Maracyn-2. None have lived that got sick.
c. I vary the diet, mostly rotating thawed and warmed frozen food, bloodworms, spirulina enhanced brine shrimp, krill. If I don't thaw out food, I give flakes or some high dollar enriched tiny pellets. Mostly frozen though and this was all they got while I was out of town. Had been feeding twice a day and went back to once. Also, they get thawed fresh zuchinni, algae tablets, thawed frozen peas, tried spinach and they hated it. I vary the green foods daily too.
d. Only time the water has gone over a week between PWC was while I was gone out of town this one time. Some of the phantoms have died following water changes. This last one died before I changed water, right after I returned home. Can't find rhyme or reason.